
Lundi, 1 février 2016

FIT Test or FOBT

Test Immunochimique de recherche de sang occulte dans les selles (RSOSi ou Fit Test) Votre médecin vous a prescrit un test immunochimique…

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24-hr urinalysis

Procédure pour la collecte 24 heures : 1 Le jour de la collecte, jeter la 1ère urine du matin (au lever) dans…

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Urinary Chlamydia Test

Procedure for Chlamydia collection : 1  Collect the very first drops of urine in clean container. Collect 20 to 30cc and finish the…

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Urinary Cytology

Procedure for the collection of a urine sample for a urinary cytology test: 1 Use specialized sterile containers provided at the clinic…

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Urine culture

Procedure for the collection of a urine culture: 1 Use a sterile container (mandatory) to collect your sample at home. This same…

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Urine analysis (without culture)

Procedure for the collection of a urine sample for a urine analysis (without culture): 1 Use a clean, non-sterile container to collect…

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