FAQ Catégorie: Frequent Questions

Questions et réponses en anglais

Sunday, 19 May 2024

I have small veins or difficult veins…

If you have small veins, be aware that the cold constricts your veins… which are already small! Our advice: keep your arms…

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Wednesday, 7 February 2024

Results turnaround time

The results of regular or “routine” tests generally take between 6 and 72 hours to reach your doctor via the DSQ (Dossier…

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Duration of your appointment

Plan for approximately 10 to 15 minutes for the duration of your appointment….

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Drinking and fasting?

You can drink water at any time! Fast from midnight onward from all food and alcohol (unless otherwise advised by us)….

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Documents to bring

1 Bring your medical prescription. Check the clarity of the following information: 2 Bring your medicare card….

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